a vision made manifest


I really have no words for how utterly grateful I am to everyone who came to Sunday’s in house market.

When I first saw this house, I immediately recognized it as a gathering place.

I saw pop ups and moon circles and and workshops, meet ups and masterminds. I saw them in vivid detail. I felt them in my bones.

It was a surprise to me. My little introvert heart had never yearned to host things before.

But once the vision appeared, it could not be unseen.

And it frightened me a bit. I felt out of my depth. The house wasn’t perfect yet. What if nobody came?

But it was one of those things that just had to be done. At least attempted. The universe gifted me this home and this vision for a reason. There was no saying no.

So I gently nudged perfectionism aside. I asked my most magical maker friends to share their offerings. And invited all my favorite people.

And oh my goodness, the outpouring of support was nothing short of incredible.

People came!

And you guys, it was so much more than just shopping.

People sat in circle and had deep conversations. Connections were made. Seeds were planted.

It was exactly as I envisioned it.

My heart is so full.

The biggest thank you to everyone who came. Truly. It means the world to me.

The biggest thank you to Alicia @hausofmaye not just for your amazing candles, but for your music alchemy and your behind the scenes witchiness in creating the vibe.

The biggest thank you to Laurel @gold_and_oak not just for your artistry (I have been living in my peony hoodie for the last 2 days) but for your grounded presence. Your calm center never fails to put me at ease.

And for those of you who couldn’t make it, not to worry, there will be more soon.

The wheels are already in motion.

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