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books that made an impact

As a kid, I was a voracious reader.  Though I don't have the same long stretches of time to read as I used to, it's still so important to me.  I don't feel quite myself if I'm not making my way through a good book.  It's how I start every day, with coffee and a book.  Often it's just 10 minutes, but those 10 minutes add up to something that really nurtures my soul.

Right now, I'm making my way through The Untethered Soul. Truth be told, it’s my second attempt. I tried years ago and didn’t even make it through the second chapter. Feeling now like it’s a message I need to hear even though I find myself resisting.

Here are some of my all time, life changing favorites, in no particular order...

To trust in the Universe, follow your path, and overcome obstacles ...
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

For shadow work, accepting and integrating your whole flawed and beautiful self ...
The Dark side of the Light Chasers by Debbie Ford

For introverts trying to be extroverts ...
Quiet by Susan Cain

About dharma, following your path, and doing the work you were uniquely put on this planet to do ...
The Great Work of Your Life by Stephen Cope

For vulnerability, resistance to vulnerability, connection, and openheartedness ...
anything by Brene Brown, particularly Daring Greatly

For creatives who don’t want to live that tragic artist trope, who are open to a little bit of magical thinking and practical mindset shifts ...
Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

For those in recovery or curious about sobriety, wondering about a well rounded, holistic, integrated approach ...
Integral Recovery by John Dupuy

What are you reading? What are the books that have changed your life?

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