in the wintertime cocoon

A few days ago I shared that I’m dedicating the entire month of January to rest + ease. I talked about how glorious it feels.

I thought I’d share a little bit about what it actually has been looking like for me.

Sleeping in a lot of the days. Listening to my body, not the clock.

Doing yoga some of the days. No 30 day or 60 day challenge. Doing it when I feel like it.

Taking naps. Like pretty much daily. I’m basically a toddler now.

Reading books. With actual pages. Not personal development books. Fun books about badass women artists and witchcraft.

Crunching numbers. Taxes and stuff. While this isn’t exactly restful, getting it done and off my plate feels good.

Clearing out. These last few Januarys I’ve enjoyed doing a big purge. Going through all the closets. Donating all the things.

Nesting. A little light redecorating and rearranging to freshen up the space and welcome in new energy.

Typing out quotes, mantras, and words of wisdom on this 1912 Remington.

Filling orders. While I’m not quite in the mood yet to make much new stuff, it’s been lovely to keep my hands busy stringing beads, filling your beautiful orders.

Daydreaming. No concrete planning. No specific goals. Just kind of random musings. Letting ideas float in and out.

Lazy Saturdays. No markets. Sleeping in. Frittatas. Coffee dates with friends.

Eating fresh tangerines from our tree.

New year rituals. Word of the year, year ahead spread, a new lunar calendar, a new paper planner. Bringing a little order to the chaos.

Baby stepping our way into a backyard update.

TV time. Nothing substantive. Just silly vacuous nonsense.

Burning all the things. Candles. Sage. Incense. Palo santo.

Quiet time. Instead of the steady stream of podcasts usually running in the background, I find myself opting for silence a lot of the time.

Snuggling the cat. Obviously.

Offering a workshop. Attending a workshop. Guesting on a friend’s podcast + course. Basking in + thinking a lot about these connective experiences.

Still on my to do list: baths + puzzles.

1 comment

  • Dawn, we met at the nourish retreat last week. I LOVE your page and all of your offerings. You are such an inspiration, kind and gentle soul. Thank you for sharing your light.


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